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The 2020 CMAU Annual Conference Successfully Held at JNU

source:   Author: Shi Yang, Wang Xinran, Zhang Mengmeng and Hu Fuzhao     time: 2020-10-09    Hits:

The 2020 CMAU Annual Conference was held from October 6 to 8 at Jiangnan University, with the theme “Marketing in the Era of Artificial Intelligence”.

The opening ceremony on the morning of October 7 was chaired by Professor Teng Lefa, dean of the School of Business of JNU. Professor Lefa Teng extended a warm welcome to experts from 36 colleges and universities, entrepreneurs and representatives from all walks of life.

At the opening ceremony, Professor Chen Wei, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of JNU, extended a warm welcome to all the leaders and experts present and online participants. He introduced the construction of first-class disciplines in JNU, and affirmed the contribution by the School of Business. Over the years, with the support of all sectors, JNU has achieved rapid development in building the discipline “Business Administration”. On July 10, the Institute for Quality and Brand Research, established by the Wuxi Municipal People’s Government and JNU was officially launched, becoming another milestone of JNU.

Professor Fu Guoqun, president of CMAU and professor from the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, delivered an opening speech. He thanked JNU for hosting the conference and providing high-level services. He then reviewed the history of marketing as a discipline and the present challenges. He also pointed out that scholars should work with the business community for continuous theoretical and practical innovation.

Wu Gang, director of the Department of Management Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, delivered a speech online at the opening ceremony. He commented that artificial intelligence has not only changed business models, but also consumption models to a large extent. He was looking forward to major programs in these regards. He pointed out that the Foundation has offered more funding research projects in marketing in recent years, and sorted out the key words.

On October 7, eight experts and entrepreneurs gave keynote speeches online or on site. Professor Hu Xiangpei from Zhejiang University and Dalian University of Technology gave a report titled “Blockchain and Smart Commerce of Agricultural Products”. Professor Zhou Xiaohong from Nanjing University talked about “Social Mentality and Experience of China in the Era of Transition”, Academician Deng Ji from Quality Management Institute in Shanghai delivered a report on “Consumption Quality Coefficient”, Professor Li Jiatao from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology shared about “Knowledge Transfer from the MNE Network and Foreign Subsidiaries” Local Innovation” online, Professor Zhang Ying from Peking University gave a report on “Marketing Research in the New Era: Questions, Positioning and Methods”, Professor Fan Xiucheng from Fudan University made a report named “Service Innovation in the Environment of Artificial Intelligence”, Associate Professor Cai Fengyan from Shanghai Jiao Tong University talked about “The Role of O2O Discount Vouchers in the Post-Pandemic Restarting Stage”, and Wu Jianfeng, vice chairman and deputy general manager of King’s Luck gave a report on opportunities for the development of King’s Luck. In the evening, two forums were held on brand management and mobile marketing.

On October 6, a doctoral consortium was held, where the White Paper on the Employment of Doctoral Students in Marketing in China in 2020 was released. On October 8, online and offline forums were held on green marketing, big data marketing, intelligent marketing theory and case study, data and market research, and agricultural product marketing. On the same day, there were 16 paper parallel forums. At the closing ceremony, awards were presented for papers and the Data and Market Research Committee was established. The next session would be organized by Xi’an Jiaotong University.

This annual conference is a theoretical and practical exploration into marketing, and in-depth thinking on the internationalization of the discipline and cutting-edge topics.

Opening Ceremony and Keynote Speech

President Chen Wei delivered a welcome speech.

President Fu Guoqun delivered an opening speech.

Dean Teng Lefa presided over the opening ceremony.

The participants
